Key Security Areas

Within Skytap, there are five areas to build a control framework around: Platform, Resource Management, Internal Networking, Edge Networking, and Virtual Machines.

For each of these areas and subsections this document will provide standardized designs and partner points of contact where appropriate.


The Skytap platform provides controls for Security Policies; Notifications; Authentication, Authorization and Accounting; and Auditing.

Figure 1 - Platform Required Capabilities

Security Policies

The security policies control access to the platform for authenticated users. This can restrict connectivity to approved IP addresses (such as those on the corporate network), password complexity rules (for those not using SSO) and session timeouts (prompting for re-authentication). Skytap recommends that access is limited to the corporate network subnets, or alternatively use a virtual machine as a Bastion host to access the Skytap dashboard securely from the Skytap infrastructure. More information on access policies is available [here]](

Figure 2 - Access Policies available within the Skytap Dashboard


Notifications can be used to generate automated email alerts based on account usage such as capacity thresholds in specific regions or long-running virtual machines.

Authentication, Authorization and Accounting

Users, Groups, Projects and Departments

The Users, Groups, Projects and Departments are used to control Cost and/or Access to services; they should be configured to align with your organization’s best business processes and operational best practices.

  Cost Control Access Control
Users ✔️ ✔️
Groups   ✔️
Projects   ✔️
Departments ✔️  

A User is a named individual or service account that can authenticate to the platform. Once authenticated, they can then assume either a Restricted User, Standard User, User Manager or Administrator platform role.

Departments are used to consolidate consumption allowances and reporting. Departments can be created with hard limits on the resources they can consume. A user may be a member of a single Department.

User Roles

The restricted role is best for users who need tightly controlled access to a limited number of resources. The standard role is for trusted individuals who need the ability to deploy virtual machines and resources within Skytap. The user manager role is best for users who need to manage and organize users and groups but who don’t need full administrator capabilities. The administrator role is best for trusted users in your organization who need to manage users, resources, and account-wide settings.

User accounts should be created as Restricted Users unless those individuals require elevated permissions within the platform.

User Permissions

Restricted Standard User Manager Administrator Can do this
✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Access shared project resources
* ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Create and own projects
✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Create environments, templates, and assets
    ✔️ ✔️ Create and edit users and groups
    ✔️ ✔️ Delete groups
  ✔️ Create and view reports
      ✔️ Create and edit departments
      ✔️ Delete users
      ✔️ Create and edit account-wide settings (password policies, access policies, usage limits, etc.)
      ✔️ Edit and delete environments, templates, and assets owned by all users in the account.

* A restricted user can’t create a project, but another user can make a restricted user a project owner.
† Restricted users have limited permission to create environments.
‡ An administrator must grant reporting privileges for a user to create and view reports.

Skytap has additional permissions that can be enabled or disabled for each user. Some of these permissions are displayed only when specific features are enabled in the platform. The table below shows the additional permissions that are optional (O) for each type of user.

  • Most permissions are mandatory (M) for administrators and can’t be disabled.

  • Restricted users can’t have most permissions enabled.

Extended User Permissions

Restricted Standard User Manager Administrator Permission
O O O M This user is able to access public templates and public assets.
  O O M This user is able to import VMs into Skytap.
  O O M This user is able to export VMs from Skytap.
  O O M This user is able to generate reports from Skytap. Reporting can be enabled for the entire account or just the user’s department.
  O O O This user is able to set promiscuous mode on VM network adapters for Skytap. This permission is displayed when your customer account is enabled for promiscuous mode.


Groups help you manage large numbers of user permissions across multiple projects. A user can belong to multiple groups and the groups can be given permissions within Skytap. The platform supports up to 100 groups; groups are managed by administrators and user managers.


Projects grant users access to other resources within Skytap. Users always use the most permissive access rights granted, so if a named user is granted Editor rights but is also member of a group with Viewer permissions, they can use the Editor rights to perform actions on the project.

Projects support the concept of an Automatic Role; this role is granted to every new user on Skytap. This feature should be used sparingly to prevent excessive user permissions.

Project Permissions

Owner Manager Editor Participant Viewer Can do this
✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Access and use a running environment
✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Download assets
✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️   Control the power state of an environment
✔️ ✔️ ✔️   Create an environment from a project template
✔️ ✔️ ✔️   Copy environment
✔️ ✔️ ✔️     Copy template
✔️ ✔️ ✔️     Load an ISO
✔️ ✔️ ✔️     Save an environment as a template
✔️ ✔️ ✔️     Add, edit, and remove resources
✔️ ✔️ ✔️     Share resources with other projects (as Editor or Manager in both projects)
✔️ ✔️ ✔️     Permanently delete VMs
✔️ ✔️       Add and remove project users
✔️         Delete the project
Administrator         Change project permissions
Administrator         Permanently delete environments, templates, and assets that are in the project and owned by other users

  The restricted user must be an editor or manager in at least one project to perform these actions as a participant. For example, if the user is a participant in project A and an editor in project B, the user can create an environment from a template in project A. The new environment is automatically added to project B (where the user has permission to add resources). Restricted users cannot own environments, templates, or assets outside of a project.

Project Example

Scenario: The organization wants to control and manage a set of company-wide golden templates in your customer account. A small set of users to maintain the templates (template creators), and all other users in the account will have permission to create environments from those templates (template users).

Figure 3 - Example of Project Implementation

Solution: Create 2 projects:

  • Golden Templates – Use this project to share golden templates with all users.

    • Add all finalized, approved templates to this project.

    • Add template creators to the project in the Manager role. Managers can:

      • Add templates to the project or remove templates from the project.

      • Add users to the project or remove users from the project.

    • Add all other Skytap users to the project in the Participant role. Participants can create environments from templates in the project.

Enable an automatic role on the project. With this setting, every new Skytap user is automatically added to this project as a Participant.

  • Staging – Use this project to share in-progress environments and templates between template creators.

    • Add new, in-progress environments and templates to this project.

    • Add template creators to the project in the Manager role.

    • Do not add other Skytap users to this project. Because they don’t have project access, they cannot view or use environments and templates in this project.


Departments allow you to model company departments, business units, or project teams within the Skytap. With department monitoring and limits, you can:

  • Create usage limits to cap the amount of storage, RAM hours, or concurrent RAM that department users can consume; this can guarantee that Skytap resources remain available to critical departments.

  • Create usage reports to track and charge-back usage by each department.

Each user can belong to one department, and the platform supports up to 100 departments.

Single Sign-On

Skytap can be configured for SAML based Single Sign-On, thus making it compatible with Azure Directory Services, Corporate Active Directory and authentication services such as Ping Identity or Okta. By integrating with Single Sign-On organizations can enforce additional authentication controls such as endpoint integrity and verification, location-based authentication and conditional/just in time access.


Workforce Okta Identity




Usage labels help administrators annotate environments, templates, and assets for more detailed usage reporting. After a label is added to a resource, the label appears in usage reports whenever that resource is used. The label data can be used for accounting chargebacks, cost allocation, and usage trending analysis.

Single Value label categories can be attached only once per environment, template, asset, or schedule. For example, a Single Value label of Cost Center could be used for chargebacks or cost allocation purposes.

Multi-value label categories are suited for general reporting, for example, to group environments by applications in use.


Auditing can be configured to send events to a Log Management tool or Security Incident Event Monitoring tool. These events are sent using Webhooks, allowing for near real-time notifications to management tooling enabling security engineers to respond more rapidly than would otherwise be available.

Additionally, usage events can also be sent via Webhook to this tooling or a separate service; this can be used to monitor capacity and spend to prevent cloud sprawl or an economic denial of service.


Microsoft Azure Monitor

Next steps

Main Overview

Skytap Well-Architected Framework

Operational Excellence

Skytap Operational Excellence Pillar


Skytap Resiliency Pillar


Skytap Security Pillar